Clarity, Connection, Meaning

Daryl Yankee grew up in the Blackstone Valley, cradle of the Industrial Revolution. When he wasn’t fishing in streams full of forever chemicals, he was exploring the ruins of manufacturing monoliths that ground men into grist then spit out textiles for the masses.

His father was a supply chain and inventory manager, and he showed him how raw materials flow through machines and become sellable goods. He taught him that people are the key factor in implementing plans for the most efficient and profitable path from the production line to the loading dock.

Achieving an optimal balance of the technical and social system components guided his career for the next twenty years. As “a fixer”, Daryl has facilitated strategic changes for a host of Habitat for Humanity affiliates across the country. His most recent project is a push to move animal welfare to recognize all pet owners as equal, including people without permanent homes. During his time at the Humane Society, he earned a master’s degree in Organization Development from Pepperdine University. It was there he learned to initiate process improvement through dialogue and inquiry – placing the power of change in the people with their hands to the plow.

These days Daryl serves as an MCN board member and independent consultant, using visual harvesting and facilitation to create connection through all-inclusive formats, welcoming all styles of learners into the decision-making process. Dogs and Cats working together, that’s what Daryl does.